A range of evidence-based drug and road safety education resources are available for schools and early childhood services to deliver age-appropriate content and key resilience, health and safety messages. For resource enquiries, please contact your regional consultant or for metropolitan schools, please email us.
Smart Steps (children up to 8 years of age)This comprehensive road safety program for educators, parents and carers of 0 – 8 year old children is delivered in two components: |
Challenges and Choices (Kindergarten to Year 9)Challenges and Choices provides learning activities that help teachers deliver contemporary, age-appropriate resilience, drug education and road safety programs. Practical examples of how teachers and families can promote the learning of personal and social skills (such as helpful thinking, positive attitudes, recognising and managing emotional responses, seeking help, and making friends) in children are also provided. |
Wraparound (All ages)Wraparound is an early intervention program for school staff. When concerns exist around student alcohol and other drug use, Wraparound can assist staff to engage and support students more effectively and as relevant to their role in the school. |
Keys4Life (Year 10 to 12)Keys4Life is an evidence-based, comprehensive pre-driver education program for school staff working with students in Year 10 to 12 across Western Australia. The content focuses on safe driving, the benefits of supervised driving practice, getting a driver’s licence, and how to become a safe, tolerant, and compliant driver. |
Whole school approach resourcesA comprehensive, whole-school approach is widely acknowledged as best practice to promote student health and wellbeing including alcohol and other drugs. By adopting this approach, schools can increase engagement with the school community and are more likely to secure sustainable improvements in students’ health and wellbeing. Resources to assist schools to develop a whole school approach are available on the Department of Education’s Education Resources site. |
Road map: A road safety directory for schools and communities is a directory that has helpful information, a guide to road safety education resources, and contact details for services and organisations across Western Australia who can support and assist with school road safety education programs and initiatives. |
The Students Driving to School guide can assist schools to develop a management plan for student drivers and their passengers, and also create a culture of safety, respect and responsibility in relation to student drivers. |
The 12 Principles for School Drug Education are based on current theory and research and provide a best practice, evidence-based guide to understanding what can be included in school drug education programs and how they can be delivered to ensure a comprehensive approach. They illustrate a multi-layered approach and provide a framework of core concepts and values to support effective drug education practice. As such, the Principles can be used to guide the planning, implementation and review of drug education programs, guidelines and practices in school communities. |
Principles for School Road Safety Education: A Research Summary is an evidence-based set of 16 principles about a best practice approach to road safety education in schools. Collectively, the principles provide a framework to help staff select, deliver and review effective road safety programs for schools. They were developed in 2009 by SDERA following research that included a literature review and national consultation process and are currently referred to by Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions. |