What is Wraparound?

This program is designed to assist school staff with developing early intervention skills when engaging with young people who are experiencing issues related to alcohol and other drug (AOD) use.

It is suitable for school staff working in pastoral care roles including teachers, student services staff, chaplains, school nurses, deputy principals, heads of learning area, heads of department and youth workers attached to schools.

This program is funded by the Mental Health Commission.

Registration is free for public and non-government school staff, and teacher relief is provided

This program aims to help participants to:

  • consolidate and extend current learning on AOD use, including methamphetamine;
  • work with the key models and frameworks to increase awareness of AOD use and how this can impact young people;
  • increase understanding of the guiding structures that support staff to provide appropriate, role relevant action where concerns exist around student AOD use;
  • explore and work through support strategies to strengthen staff skills and confidence to appropriately engage with students for whom AOD use may be an issue.

It is recommended that a school has a minimum of two staff attend the Wraparound program.

Attendance at all sessions is essential to complete this program. Participants are therefore reminded to ensure their suitability to attend all sessions before registering.

Email rsde.rfa@education.wa.edu.au for upcoming dates and registration details.

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